Benefits And Drawbacks Of Artificial Intelligence

AI proponents argue that technology may enhance human abilities and assist in the solving of difficult problems. However, some worry that if AI advances to a level that surpasses our own, it might put humans in risk and lead to widespread unemployment. We must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence as we consider the implications of this rapidly evolving technology.

Every technological advancement has benefits and drawbacks. Artificial intelligence has been the subject of heated debate on numerous occasions. Beyond the hype- or fear-mongering headlines, what does AI actually do?

The advantages of AI include simplification, time savings, eliminating bias, and automating boring activities. The disadvantages consist of things like pricey implementation, a potential loss of human jobs, a lack of creativity and emotion.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Everyone is aware that businesses may benefit greatly from AI. According to the Appen State of AI Report for 2021, all businesses must include AI and ML into their models right away to be competitive. AI is being used by businesses to streamline internal processes more and more. By using AI, your firm can achieve its objectives more quickly and accurately.

Where do we succeed, then? Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in this post.

Getting rid of human error

The first notable benefit of AI is that it lessens human mistake. Everyone blunders now and then. Even if mistakes aren’t always bad, they might be crucial in generating predictable results. By performing tasks, especially repetitive ones, artificial intelligence (AI) can prevent human error from tainting an otherwise flawlessly usable product or service.

Similar to this, using AI to complete exceptionally difficult or hazardous tasks can help reduce the risk of harm or injury to people. One excellent illustration of how AI might assist lower the hazards to human health is the use of some robots in radiation-rich areas. Robots are unaffected by radiation, which in humans can result in serious sickness or death. Additionally, if a catastrophic error happened, the robot might be recreated.

Always Available

Humans only work for eight hours a day, whereas AI algorithms are constantly available. Machines can operate throughout the day and night, and chatbots with AI can provide customer service even after hours. Businesses might be able to produce more and provide customers with a better experience as a result than they could otherwise.

Impartial Decisions

People frequently disagree with one other and let their prejudices to guide their judgement. Everybody has biases, and despite our best efforts to confront them, sometimes they still manage to get through the cracks.

On the other hand, if the AI algorithm has been verified for programming bias and taught on unbiased datasets, it can make judgments without bias. This might lead to more impartial employment, loan approval, and credit-granting decisions.

Although people have a tendency to think that decisions are made impartially, if the AI was trained on biassed datasets or test data, it may come to biassed conclusions that are undetectable. To ensure that bias issues aren’t missed, quality checks on the training data and output of a certain AI programme are essential.

Repeat Job Types

Even the most thrilling job has its share of monotonous or repetitive duties. This could entail carrying out procedures like data entry and analysis, report production, data confirmation, and so forth. Humans can save their energy for tasks that call for more creative thinking by using an AI system to escape the monotony of repetitive labour.

Reduction Of Cost

As we have established, artificial intelligence (AI) is able to work continuously, creating more value per day than a human worker. Additionally, AI frees up humans for more skilled occupations by helping to replace laborious and monotonous duties. Finally, the consumer or end user benefits from this.

Analyzing data

The amount of data created when it comes to processing considerably beyond what people can understand and analyse. AI algorithms can process larger amounts of complex data, enabling data analysis.

  • Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence For Society

AI has the potential to significantly improve workplace efficiency, allowing humans to accomplish more work. The human workforce is freed to concentrate on tasks for which they are better qualified, such as those requiring creativity and empathy, as AI replaces laborious or dangerous tasks. People who work in fulfilling careers may be happier and more content with their work.

With better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, artificial intelligence has the potential to drastically alter the healthcare sector. AI can help medical institutions and healthcare facilities function better, which can reduce operational costs and save money. Big data may lower medical and pharmaceutical costs by up to $100 billion annually, according to a McKinsey study. The biggest influence will come from patient care. The potential for personalised medication regimens and treatment plans, as well as improved provider access to data from numerous medical facilities to help direct patient care, are all potentially life-changing opportunities.

Our society will add innumerable hours of output only by autonomous mobility and AI impacting our concerns about traffic congestion, not to mention the myriad ways it will enhance on-the-job productivity. When people are released from uncomfortable commutes, they will have a wide range of options for how to spend their leisure time.

AI will enhance our ability to identify unlawful activity and solve crimes. Facial recognition technology is growing in popularity, similar to fingerprint technology. There are many possibilities to learn how to use AI effectively without violating someone’s privacy by applying it to the judicial system.

Unless you chose to live far away and never want to interact with the modern world, artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on your life. It is projected that artificial intelligence would generally have a more good than a negative impact on society, despite the fact that there will be many challenges to solve when the technology is applied in new applications.

Drawbacks Of Artificial Intelligence

Even with the advantages listed above, deploying AI for your business right now might not be the best course of action. It’s prudent to carefully consider any potential negative effects of such a radical step, though. Although there are many benefits to adopting AI, there are also disadvantages, such as installation costs and deterioration with time.

High Prices

The biggest and most obvious disadvantage of employing AI is the high cost of research. The cost varies depending on what you require AI to accomplish precisely. One estimate states that the cost for the majority of organisations to fully implement an AI system ranges from $20,000 to well into the millions of dollars.

The expense is eventually recovered once AI is completely implemented and can assist in streamlining the workflow. The initial cost, though, can be unsettling, if not outright prohibitive.

Not Enough Creativity

The next shortcoming of AI is its inability to make judgments based on creativity and emotion.

Because AI lacks creativity, it cannot develop in any highly aesthetic vocation or come up with original solutions to issues. At this stage of its evolution, AI may be programmed to generate “new” thoughts but not truly original ones. According to this study, until AI can generate original and unexpected ideas, its capacity for decision-making would be constrained. If a company wants an original or creative solution to a problem, people are better prepared to provide it.

Humans naturally consider the emotional ramifications when making sensitive decisions. AI lacks the ability and will always select the optimal option given the circumstances, regardless of the decision’s emotional resonance. Even computerised systems that have been taught to recognise and understand human emotion fall short.

In this study, the AI was found to more frequently associate non-white people with negative emotions. This would suggest that decisions made by an AI using this data would be racially biassed and help to worsen inequality.

Compassion and kindness are fundamentally human traits that even the most sophisticated AI cannot be programmed to display.


This disadvantage might not be as obvious as the others. But most machines decay with time. For instance, the components of a piece of machinery on a production line will ultimately start to wear out if AI is introduced to it. In addition, if the AI doesn’t include a self-repairing feature, it will eventually stop working.

If AI is not taught to learn and is not regularly examined by data scientists, it may also become outdated. The model and training data used to create it will eventually become outdated if the AI isn’t retrained or given the power to learn and advance on its own.

Errands And Experience

Similar to the aforementioned assertion, AI cannot naturally learn from its own experience and failures. People naturally want to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. However, creating an AI that can learn on its own is expensive and extremely difficult. Undoubtedly, some AIs are capable of learning. The most well-known example of this is perhaps the Google programme AlphaGo, which taught itself to play the board game of Go and started coming up with original ideas in just three days.

However, AI won’t be able to develop progressively without human guidance if it lacks the programming to learn on its own.


This is yet another downside that many people are immediately aware of due to several headlines over the years. If AI becomes more commonplace in enterprises, it can lead to fewer unfilled positions because it can easily handle boring activities that employees previously performed.

Several reports at the moment claim that if anything, the impact of AI on employment will be greater. The problem arises, though, when it becomes clear that you must train people for these new positions in order to keep up with the quick pace of technological innovation.

Ethical Questions

The rapid development and deployment of AI has given rise to a number of ethical questions about its application and future. One of the most commonly brought up ethical issues is privacy concerns regarding customer data. The data’s longevity presents various difficulties for the owners’ free and informed consent. Additionally, because AI is so good at identifying trends, it can gather data on people without having direct access to their personal information. So, how can we protect customer privacy in light of the rapid advancement of AI?